Lucy Voglewede

Lucy Voglewede was born on July 8, 1866. She was the youngest daughter of Johann Gerhard & Maria Catherina Voglewede, who immigrated to the United States from Germany. One of her brothers was Joseph Henry Voglewede. On May 18, 1890, Lucy married John J Glutting at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Decatur, Indiana. Together, they had four children: Marie on February 17, 1891; Anthony on October 24, 1894; Raymond on April 21, 1897; and Charles on November 3, 1899. Lucy died on February 28, 1902 (at the age of 35), when her children were still very young. She is buried in Decatur.

Genealogy: Johann Gerhard > Lucy

Text and photograph courtesy of Rosalie (Voglewede) Gase

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