Standing: Rosemary, Mary, Helen, Ella V, Kay, Ed, Pat, Ruth, Alice, Walt, Mike, Mary Ann, Kevie, Nancy, Jim, Kathy, John, Rita, Tom, Dave, Mary Beth, Fred, Joe, Ann, Bob, Dave, Bernie, Art, Kev, Mary Lou, Bill, Chuck
Kneeling: Mary T, Tim, Pat, Peg, Tommy, Danny, Susan, Grandma Voglewede, Billy, Jim, Paul, Jim, Mike, Ricky
Sitting: Anne, Phil, Chris, Mary, Eileen, Steve, Joey, Chuck, Mike, Jane, Kathy, Carl
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From Left: Art, Mary, Bill, Helen, Walt, Rosemary, Bob, Grandma V, Kev, Ella V, Fred, Ruth, Tom, Bernie, Ed, Anne
August 1961
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