From: Date: Saturday, March 18, 2000 2:18 PM Dear Ella V, I have a problem. You see, I have a wonderful boyfriend, that's 17, and I'm 15. He's complaining that our relationship is getting boring because we never do anything. He's a real sweetheart but I don't know what to do. Also, I met this other guy that's a sweetheart too. But, he's 18. He's really nice and makes me laugh. But, so does my boyfriend. I don't want to break up with him. My dad won't really let me do stuff because I'm only 15 but he doesn't realize that I know what's going on and I know how to handle situations if they come up. Please help!!!! Sincerely, JessicaDear Jessica,
I loved your letter and I read it over and over and it brought back memories. I think life would be much happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty five and gradually approach fifteen.
Ella V
From: Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 10:14 PM Dear Ella V,
My boyfriend is now complaing that I complain too much and that I can never do anything. He knew from the start that when we started going out that I wouldn't be able to do much! But, my dad is starting to let me do more stuff now, and he just has to realize that my dad is still holding onto his little girl. What should I tell him? Sincerely, JessicaDear Jessica,
No one is listening till you make a mistake ... and always do right.
This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Ella V
From: Date: Sunday, May 14, 2000 10:37 PM Dear Ella V, My wife refuses to use email at all. We have our computer right here in the living room, but she will not turn it on. Her friends and family (including distinguished members of the renowned Voglewede family) are beginning to think we are stuck up. When I volunteer to send a message for my wife, she gets upset and insists that she'll take care of it. But she never does. What can I do? Sincerely, Confused Computer CommunicatorDear Confused Computer Communicator, Before you critize someone you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them you'll be a mile away, and you'll have their shoes.
Love |
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From: Karen Voglewede Date: Friday, May 26, 2000 2:28 PM Dear Ella V, What did Carl and I do to have all our children - move to NORTH CAROLINA? Does this mean we are now parents of North Carolineans? How do you spell that anyway? Karen
Dear Karen,
Since I last answered your wonderings, I have done indepth research with those of my family who have moved to North Catolina. There is one daughter and one son, their mates and their offspring, and your children and their mates. It's quite an eye opener - even the language is different. And now they're starting to move back to Virginia.
Which dialect do we use - see below - and who do I ask for an answer?
Ella V
----- Original Message ----- From, dig dis: Karen Voglewede Date, dig dis: Friday, May 26, 2000 2:28 Dear Ella V, Whut dun did Carl and ah' do t'have all our children - move t'NORTH CAROLINA? Duz dis mean we is now parents uh No'd Carolineans? How do ya' spell dat anyway? Karen
Dear Karen, You's gots'ta be bo'n in No'd Carolina t'be some No'd Carolinean. 'S coo', bro. Progress be impo'tant t'No'd Carolina. WORD! Dink uh it , de cost uh livin' be lower, it gots de best beach on de east coast and loads uh new job oppo'tunities. De real quesshun is, dig dis: Why ain't ya' dere? Love Ella V
From: Carl V Date: Friday, January 19, 2001 5:41 Dear Ella V, At lunch the other day, I was asked if the Pope could have a wife to which I responded "NO"! I was then asked who the first Pope was and I responded "Peter". The wise person (Bubba) then told me that Peter had a wife (I can find the passage in the Bible if necessary) and he wanted to know how the system got changed around. So what is the deal? The nuns never told me about the first Pope being married! Bubba was afraid to ask "EllaV" Confused but happy, Carl VDear Carl V Way back, before printing came in, a monk would sometimes spend a lifetime laboriously penning a copy of the Bible. It hasn't been too long ago, in researching, that it was found that the word "celibate" in the priest's vow was miscopied. The word was actually "celebrate".
Love |
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From: Carl Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 5:41 Dear Ella V, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. CarlDear Carl, Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened.
Love |
From: Sharlie Date: Saturday, February 10, 2001 2:54 PM Dear Ella V, I recall a discussion some time ago between you and Bertrand about the identity of the patron saint of cyberspace. I now hear that St Isidore is about to be appointed, if not by Pope John Paul II, then by popular acclamation, to be in charge of helping troublesome cases found among Internet users and computer programmers. Isidore cashed out in about the 6th century. Do you think this dude is up to all this? kay aka sharlieDear Sharlie St Isidore of Seville! Saint Dot-Com. Couldn't be any more strange than St Clare as patron saint of television. Who is patron saint of the stock market?
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From: Ed Mertz Date: Monday, August 27, 2001 2:17 PM Dear Ella V,
I think that I would like to run-away from things for a bit, and join the circus for a few years. Since I am 59 years old I have given GREAT thought as to what position would be BEST for me, in the circus. 'LION TAMER' came to my mind first- since I have extensive experience with 'THE RUDE CORPORATE WORLD'. Since I grew-up attending the 'SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS'- this would be a perfect fit for me ! After a moment or so- I decided that I don't want to do this type of work in the future. My second and final choice is to become a CLOWN. They make people smile, don't have a BAD WORD to say about anyone, and in general make people feel better about their situation. Since, I see so many people complaining about their life - here is my chance to make things a bit better for everyone. What is your opinion, EdDear Ed
I feel like a centipede who was asked to put his best foot forward. But, maybe, you could put a sign on your door "Gone Crazy - Back Soon"
Ella V
From: Date: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:56 AM Dear Ella V, I am Wede 7's new neighbor, Eva. I have become best friends with your #7th child. He has given me advice on numerous occasions about how to invest my money. I must admit, he is very intellegent. But when it comes to money, I get scared. How can I tell him that I can not afford to loose any, And not make him think I don't trust his judgement? Can U help me, PLEASE!!!! Eva
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Dear Eva
I am a Veni, Vidi, Visa person so I never had any experience in investing money. Sounds like I should talk to #7. I guess yo'll just have to take a chance and if you don't succeed - try raising rabbits.
Love |
From: Kay Wede Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:42 PM Dear Ella V [aka Mom],
I keep my best fishing rod in Great Grandpop's umbrella holder, the one he picked up while sailing the Great Lakes. My housemates, however, are disinclined to appreciate its location in the living room. They have separately made unkind inferences. As you know, the urn is exquisite and of course it is an antique. Plus the pole is red (a very nice color) and has been cleaned off for the season. It's not like it stinks or anything. Do you think I ought to move the pole and urn to the garage just to keep peace? Love KayDear Kay,
The Great-grandpop may have sailed the Great Lakes but he never held a fishin' pole. You are trying to combine two cultures, one of interior decorating and one of outdoor sports.
The Yiddish say if we all pulled in one way the world would keel over.
Ella V
From: Kay Wede Date: Saturday, February 23, 2002 7:52 PM Dear Ella V, I have a friend that I have known just about forever and she just told me that she has recently become a "born-again". Can you explain how a 40 something woman can be "born-again"? Your favorite daughter, Kay
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Dear Favorite Daughter
I am glad you favor me. I don't know anything about "born agains". In today's world and especially during this season of Lent , this phrase does make me think. By the way, do "born agains" have two belly buttons?
Love |
From: Joe Baise Date: Friday, March 8, 2002 1:51 PM Dear Gamma, Does sound travel any faster or farther in the summer compared to the winter? Joe BaiseDear Joe
It makes sense to me that sound travels faster and farther in the cold air because there is less space between molecules, but my consultant says "v = 331 m/s + (0.6 m/s/C)*T" - whatever that means.
Why do you wonder about it anyway, is the baby's schedule not following your plan?
Gamma V
From: Date: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:27 PM Dear Ella V, I have fallen head over heals for a dear friend of mine for over ten years and we also work together. Help me please!!!
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Dear SusC
I guess I have had enough of people shooting bullets at someone else and I can deal better with people falling in love with someabody they have worked with for many years - even if it is one-sided. On the other hand, I met someone last week who never cared much for Spam [canned ham] but has grown to love the stuff so much that he keeps a couple of cans in his desk drawer at work. However, this late-blooming change of heart probably doesn't mean much to the pig.
Love |